Poker: All About Game Rules and Winning Experience

Poker is an extremely attractive card game genre with many different variations. It is not only loved in Vietnam but also in many countries around the world. So do you know anything about the rules of this game? If not, let’s find out with JILI7 through the following article!

Poker: All About Game Rules and Winning Experience
Poker: All About Game Rules and Winning Experience

What is poker? 

Poker is a card game that is called Poker in English. This card game is developed in many countries with many different variations. However, the common point between the variations is that players need to bet on the strength of their cards. The winner is the one with the strongest card or the whole village does not follow.

Currently, poker includes the following 3 main groups:

What is poker? 
What is poker?
  • Draw: This is a group where players will be dealt 5 cards or more. All players will have to face down and only see their own cards. You have the right to change one or more cards a certain number of times.
  • Stud: Players are dealt 5 to 7 cards. Some cards are face up and some are face down. Players are not allowed to exchange cards as in draw.
  • Community Card: Each player will be dealt a certain number of cards. Players must turn over some community cards along with their own cards to create the strongest link.

Currently, in online casinos, Community Card is the most popular way to play. In Vietnam, Hong Kong poker is the most popular.

Learn the terminology when playing poker

To be able to play poker, players need to learn the rules of poker as well as the terminology. Below are the terms used in poker.

Learn the terminology when playing poker
Learn the terminology when playing poker
  • Straight Flush: Your hand has 5 consecutive cards of the same suit, for example: 5-6-7-8-9 of clubs.
  • Four of a kind: Includes 4 cards of the same number and 1 random card. For example 5 of clubs, 5 of diamonds, 5 of hearts, 5 of spades and 2 of clubs.
  • Pair: 2 cards of the same number, can be 8 of clubs and 8 of hearts
  • Full house: 3 cards of the same value and the other 2 cards also have 1 value. For example: 8 of clubs, 8 of diamonds, 8 of spades with Queen of clubs, Queen of hearts.
  • Flush: is a combination of 5 cards of the same suit
  • Straight: 5 consecutive cards of different suits, for example: 3 of spades, 4 of diamonds, 5 of hearts. 6 of clubs, 7 of diamonds.
  • Three of a kind: is a set of 3 cards of the same value and 2 cards of different values, for example: 6 of clubs, 6 of diamonds, 6 of spades and 3 of diamonds, 5 of clubs
  • Beast: Consists of 2 pairs and 1 trash card. For example: 6 of spades, 6 of hearts, 8 of diamonds, 8 of hearts and Ace of spades.
  • Mau Thau: Is a post with nothing special

When you compare two decks, compare the cards: flush, straight, high card. The better deck wins. The trash cards are compared from 7 to Ace. If the two decks have the same number, compare the suits from clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades.

Poker game rules

Hong Kong poker consists of 32 cards including unused 2,3,4,5,6 cards. The value of the cards increases from 7 to Ace. The order of the suits is clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades. For example, if a player has a long hand, the suit is considered.

To play poker, each game requires 2-6 people. In the first game, each person is dealt 2 cards, 1 face up and 1 face down. The remaining 3rd, 4th, and 5th cards will be face up. A game has 4 betting rounds corresponding to 4 dealings. Players will compare to determine the winner. However, if someone bets and no one follows, the game will end early.

At each round you can choose the following options:

Poker game rules
Poker game rules
  • Fold: You can choose to fold and sit out and watch.
  • See: You give up the right to sue and pass it to the next person.
  • Raise: That is to add a bet or bet
  • All-in: Bet all the chips you have
  • Call: You bet the same amount as the previous bettor.

The simplest way to play poker

To play poker, follow these steps:

The simplest way to play poker
The simplest way to play poker
  • First, each player needs to put in an equal amount of money to start the game.
  • Each player will be dealt 2 cards, 1 face down and 1 face up.
  • In the first betting round, the player with the highest face-up card starts. The next round proceeds clockwise. On their turn, the player has the option to fold, raise, call, or go all-in.
  • The third face up card is dealt to all players starting with the new player. Same as the previous round.
  • A new betting round begins when the fourth card is shown. Rules are the same as the previous round.
  • The final card is dealt face up to the starter. The rules of play are the same as the previous round.

After 4 betting rounds, if there is more than 1 person left at the table, these people will show their cards to compare. The winner will be the person with the strongest card and will receive the entire bet amount.

Experience can win poker game

After understanding the gameplay and rules, players need to prepare themselves with certain experience to be able to win this game.

Practice your poker skills by guessing your opponent’s cards.

To be able to do this, you must understand your opponent from his expression to his playing style. Determine whether he is a looser with a habit of betting more or a careful person.

For new players, it can be difficult to grasp their playing style. Therefore, when participating in a match with these people, you should take advantage of their lack of experience to win, do not waste time guessing the cards.

Poker experience: strong against weak

This skill is considered the safest but also has many limitations. With this way of playing, you will hide your strong cards by only following or placing small bets and then gradually increasing the bet. At the last minute, you will surprise your opponent with a big bet.

Poker skills: strong wins strong

From your cards you can deduce what cards your opponent is holding. From there you should rely on that to have the right strategy for yourself.

Keep yourself calm in every situation

Playing poker also requires players to have a stable mentality. That is, you always stay calm in every situation. Whether you win or lose, the most important thing is to stay calm, because any decision made in a moment of confusion is a mistake. And mistakes will make you lose a lot of money, so you should stay calm.

If possible, pause the game for a few minutes to stabilize your mood and make the most accurate decisions for yourself.

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Poker is not a difficult game and even has many variations to help players have the best choices for themselves. Hopefully the information we provide above will help you gain experience to win. Register for i9bet now to have the opportunity to experience super hot betting from this house.